What's the "Smartest" Social Media Strategy for You?

Maybe you are a "social savvy" manager who loves crafting your own posts, taking your own photos, and filming your own video. Maybe you "get" the algorithms and trending keywords, you like being in control of your social accounts, and love engaging with your customers. Maybe you just need help with automation and reporting. Then, the Gray Matter Smart DIY solution might be the best option for you. With access to our specialized social software, you can still do it all yourself but from one easy to use platform that saves you time and gives you valuable insight into page activity. 

On the other hand, maybe you don't have the time or energy for any of it. Maybe you agree that social media marketing is necessary, but the thought of writing daily posts, taking pictures and videos, monitoring keywords, running reports, and staying on top of social algorithims is just way too overwhelming. Then, the Gray Matter Full-Service solution might be the best option for you. With content creaton, strategy, scheduling, and analytics, you'll have everything you need to stand out in the social world. 

From full-service social media marketing (we do it all), to a do-it-yourself platform (you do it all), there's a Gray Matter Media solution for you!